Have you ever thought of the possible existence of any place on Earth where it doesn't rain? You probably have not, but the fact is, there is a place on Earth where it has not rained for the past two million years.
It is not just a place but an entire continent, "the Antarctica", the fifth largest continent in the world.
Antarctica which is more than twice the size of Australia and almost twice the size of Europe is the coldest, windiest, and driest continent on earth. It so located in the Antartic region of the Southern Hemisphere.
According to wikipedia.org, there has been no recorded rainfall there for the past two million years. About 98% of the Antartica is covered by very thick ice sheet of about 1.6 km thick. It houses about 90% of the world's ice.
Only few animals live in the Antartica and most of them are limited to the sub-antartica islands. Popular among them are the Emporor Penguins and the Polar Bears.
Presently, Antartica is not a home for permanent human residency. There are however many scientific laboratories there which scientists from various countries use, primarily for research purposes. It also houses the Pork Lockroy Museum.
Photos courtesy www.pixabay.com