Not that am not Happy with the recoveries of corona virus patients in Nigeria, but i must confess, am not sure if its thesame deadly covid -19 that is killing italians and Spainish citizens like mad, that is found in Nigeria. Are you sure the authorities in charge are not categorizing the cold and Catarrh that is common in this country around this time as covid-19?
My reasons for saying this is just that the way the covid-19 is felt here in Nigeria is so different like in other places.
Recently, in Nigeria, corona virus is now seen as a "no death sentence" virus, it is also discovered that Some Nigerians carrying it is asymptomatic i.e dont show any symptoms of the virus till the virus lives out its days in the patience,
The Chief Medical Director UCH who few days ago tested positive is now tests negative, Atikus son who also tested positive is recovering, Oyo state governor who tested positive said he is asymptomatic to the disease and is ok and on self isolation till the test shows negative. the total number of discharged in Nigeria is 20+ as at the time of writing this With 2 deaths.
One should only but think that Nigeria Has a cure for this virus, since we are making such a huge progress in dealing with the virus.
Well, these are my thoughts and i must confess my wish and desire is that my ascertions be true, even if we are taking precautions over common cold and flu it is still a highly preventive style of fighting covid -19.
Irrespective of which it is, I encourage us to stay safe and observe the lock down because God is about to Make Africa, through Nigeria great in this trial times. Thanks to our health workers, they are really doing a great job.